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SPTRAIN Listserv

The Trainers of School Psychologists hosts a listserv related to professional training issues in School Psychology. Policies for conduct on SPTRAIN may be viewed here.

Follow the Steps Below to subscribe to the SPTRAIN listserv

  1. Address an email message to: LISTSERV@LSV.UKY.EDU

    You must send this email in PLAIN TEXT format. Make sure you are not sending this mail in HTML or 

    Rich Text format. Usually this setting is on a menu called format.

  2. Write the following line at the start of the body of your mail message: 

    subscribe SPTRAIN YourFirstName YourLastName

  3. Send the message

To view a history of past posts go to

To unsubscribesend this command in the body of an email to LISTSERV@LSV.UKY.EDUsignoff SPTRAIN

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2. To unsubscribe, send an empty email message to:

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