The Trainers of School Psychologists (TSP) is committed to innovation and excellence in graduate training programs for specialist and doctoral school psychologists. Our purpose is to foster high quality training in school psychology programs. We work toward this goal by examining current trends in graduate education programs, providing professional growth opportunities to school psychology faculty, facilitating communication with field based supervisors, and supporting legislative efforts that promote excellence in training. 

To these ends, TSP supports scholarly inquiry that benefits the field of school psychology and extends the current research knowledge on graduate training in school psychology. TSP welcomes members, or those sponsored by a TSP member, to submit research requests that are aligned with the mission of TSP.

Individuals who wish to solicit participants for their research through the TSP listerve (SPTrain), or require further information, should contact the TSP Research Committee Chair (Daniel Newman, Ph.D., Requests will be given immediate consideration with feedback usually provided within 2 weeks. Your request should include the following information: 

  1. A copy of the research proposal to ensure it is appropriately related to school psychology and TSP

  2. A copy of the approval letter from the appropriate Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Review Board

  3. A copy of the language to be used in your email announcement post on the TSP listserv, with the following statement included: "This research request has met all the required criteria and has been approved for posting on the Trainers of School Psychologists (TSP) Listserv by the TSP Research Committee."

  4. Name of university program's faculty and confirmation that they (or your training program) is a member of TSP in good standing.

Please note, if you wish to receive access to our email listserv, a fee of $100 will be processed for any research proposal that is accepted by the Research Committee. Following receipt of the research fee, mailing addresses will be sent to researcher’s conducting a study by traditional mail. If the research is occurring via email, the invitation to participate in research will be sent through the TSP research committee chair (with a 3-week follow up email).

For further information please contact Daniel Newman, Ph.D.. at

See Links Below for Further Research Information

Research Criteria

Research Review Process

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