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Race and Diversity Resources

Thank you for the valuable dialogue and sharing of resources on the TSP Listserv SPTRAIN.  The following is a collection of materials shared by trainers in school psychology.  If you have additional resources to add to this list, please email to


Considerations to Promote Safety for Guest Speakers from Marginalized Backgrounds (December 2023)

NASP Censorship in Education Statement (March 2023)

School Psychology Unified Call for Deeper Understanding, Solidarity, and Action to Eradicate Anti-AAAPI Racism and Violence (2021)

Addressing Anti-AAPI Racism and Xenophobia: A joint statement from TSP and APA Divison 16 (2021)

Trainers of School Psychologists (TSP) Actively Opposes Administration Orders to Curtail Diversity Training and Undermine Psychological Science (2020)

Trainers of School Psychologists: Call for Action for Anti-Racism in School Psychology Training Programs (2020)

APA Summary of Psychological Research and Science of Diversity Training (2020)

School Psychology Unified Anti-Racism Statement and Call to Action (2020)

School Psychology Unified Anti-Racism Statement and Call to Action

Organization Sign-On to Endorse, Support, and Commit to Action

Individual Sign-On to Endorse, Support and Commit to Action

NASP: "NASP Calls for Action to End Racism and Violence Against People of Color" (2020)

NLPA: We Must Stand with Our Black Siblings: Breaking the Silence (2020)

APA: "Action Plan for Addressing Inequality"

Academics for Black Survival and Wellness-Call to action: "Our Letter to Academics" (2020)

Honoring Diverse Leaders in School Psychology Project

The Black Excellence in School Psychology Project started in early 2021 as a way to increase awareness of Black leaders in school psychology through the dissemination of an education flyer within graduate preparation programs. In response to your feedback from our 1st survey, we are expanding the project to honor leaders from other underrepresented groups in school psychology. In 2021, we plan to create and distribute flyers for the following: Black History Month (Feb), AAPI Heritage Month (May), Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month (Sep) and Native American Heritage Month (Nov). We are considering ways to expand the project beyond our 1st year goals as well and welcome your input, which can be provided via the links included on each respective flyer. 

Indigenous Leaders in School Psychology (2023)

Hispanic Heritage Month Leaders in School Psychology (Sept-Oct. 2023)

Pride Month Resources 2023

Asian American and Pacific Islander Leaders in School Psychology (June 2023)

Asian American and Pacific Islander Leaders in School Psychology (May 2023)

Black History Month (February 2023)

Black History Month (February 2022)

Black History Month (February 2021)

AAPI Heritage Month (May 2021)

Asian American and Pacific Islander Leaders in School Psychology (May 2022)

Early & Contemporary Latinx/Hispanic Leaders in Psychology & School Psychology (Sept 2021)

Indigenous Leaders in Psychology and School Psychology (Nov. 2021)

Indigenous Leaders in Psychology and School Psychology (Nov. 2022)

Pride Month Resources 2022

Training Resources

CCTC 2020: Social Responsiveness in Health Service Psychology Education and Training Toolkit (

Hashtags/Scholars to Follow

Hashtags/Scholars to Follow


Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources & Framework (Stamborski, Zimmermann & Gregory, 2020)

Justice in June (Multiple Action Items and Resources)

Opportunities for White People in the Fight for Racial Justice

Social Justice Standards: The Teaching Tolerance Anti-Bias Framework (Teaching Tolerance)

"A Year of Anti-Racism Work", Compiled by Michelle Panchuk

The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing (The Social Justice Handbook Series; Singh, Wing Sue, & Wise, 2019)

"Me and White Supremacy" (Saad, 2020) 

Dear White People: 10 Actions to Promote Racial Justice in the Workplace (Forbes)

"Say Their Names: A Toolkit to Help Foster Productive Conversations about Race and Civil Disobedience (Chicago Public Schools)

"10 Ways for Non-Black Academics to Value Black Lives" (Ault, 2020)

Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization

Starting a Social Justice Action Plan (Shriberg, 2020)

Reading Lists

"An Essential Reading Guide for Fighting Racism"

NASP: Social Justice Resources


"White Fragility: Why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism" DiAngelo & Dyson (2018)

"My Grandmother's Hands" (Menaken)

"How to be less stupid about race" (Fleming, 2018)

"Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? And other conversations about race (Tatum, 2017)

"How to be Antiracist" (Kendi, 2019)

"White Kids: Growing up with Privilage in a Racial Divided America." (Hagerman, 2018)

"The Color of Law: The Forgotten History of How our Government Segregated America" (Rothstein, 2017)

"Solving Disproportionality & Achieving Equity: A Leader's Guide to Using Data to Change Hearts and Minds" (Fergus, 2016)

Ishimaru, A. M. (2020). Just schools: Building equitable collaborations with families and communities. New York, NY: Teachers College Press

Gullo, K. Capatosto, & C. Staats. Implicit bias in schools: A practitioner’s guide. New York: Routledge.

Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Consultation, Supervision, and Professional Learning in School Psychology Series) 2nd Edition (Lopez, Nahari, & Proctor, 2017).

Courageous Conversations About Race: A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools (Singleton & Linton, 2014)

More Courageous Conversations About Race (Singleton) also visit website for training at here

Scholarly Articles/Individual Readings

Resource list of BIPOC-Authored Psychology Papers

Biglan, A. (2015). The nuture effect: How the science of human behavior can improve our lives and our world. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Biglan, A., Flay, B. R., Embry, D. D., & Sandler, I. N. (2012). The critical role of nurturing environments in promoting human well-being. American Psychologist, 67, 257-271.

Blake, Jamilia J., Scott Graves, Markeda Newell, and Shane R. Jimerson. "Diversification of school psychology: Developing an evidence base from current research and practice." School Psychology Quarterly 31, no. 3 (2016): 305.

Bocanegra, J. O., Newell, M. L., & Gubi, A. A. (2016). Racial/ethnic minority undergraduate psychology majors’ perceptions about school psychology: Implications for minority recruitment. Contemporary School Psychology, 20(3), 270-281.

Brown, K. T., & Ostrove, J. M. (2013). What does it mean to be an ally?: The perception of allies from the perspective of people of color. Journal of Applied Social Psychology43(11), 2211-2222.

Clark, C. R., Mercer, S. H., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Dufrene, B. A. (2012). Barriers to the success of ethnic minority students in school psychology graduate programs. School Psychology Review, 41(2), 176-192. doi: 10.1080/02796015.2012.12087519

Crouch, S. (1995). The all-American skin game, or the decoy of race. New York, NY: Penguin Random House.

Frisby, C. L. (2013). Meeting the needs of minority students: Evidence-based guidelines for school psychologists and other personnel. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Grapin, S. L., Bocanegra, J. O., Green, T. D., Lee, E. T., & Jaafar, D. (2016). Increasing diversity in school psychology: Uniting the efforts of institutions, faculty, students, and practitioners. Contemporary School Psychology, 20(4), 345-355.

Goforth, A. N. (2016). A cultural humility model of school psychology training and practice. Trainer's Forum, 34, 3-24.

Gorski, P. & Erakat, N. (2019).  Racism, whiteness, and burnout in antiracism movements: How white racial justice activists elevate burnout in racial justice activists of color in the United States. Ethnicities, 19 (5), 784-808
Hill, N. E., Jeffries, J. R., & Murray, K. P. (2017). New tools for old problems: Inequality and educational opportunity for ethnic minority youth and parents. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 674, 113–133.

Gross, T. J. & Malone, C. M. (2018). Examination of multicultural courses offered across school psychology training programs. Contemporary School Psychology. Advance online publication:

Holvino, E., Ferdman, B. M., & Merrill-Sands, D. (2004). Creating and sustaining diversity and inclusion in organizations: Strategies and approaches. In M. S. Stockdale & F. J. Crosby (Eds.), The psychology and management of workplace diversity (p. 245–276). Blackwell Publishing. 

Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Owen, J., Worthington Jr., E. L., & Utsey, S. O. (2013). Cultural humility: Measuring openness to culturally diverse clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology®. doi:10.1037/a0032595

Hunter, P. C. (2012). It's not complicated! What I know for sure about helping our students of color become successful readers. New York, NY: Scholastic.

Joseph, T. & Hirshfield, L. (2009).  Why don’t you get somebody new to do it?  Race and cultural taxation in the academy.  Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34, 124-141.

Kohli, R., Pizarro, M., & Nevárez, A. (2017). The “new racism” of K-12 schools: Centering critical research on racism. Review of Research in Education, 41, 182–202.

Liu, W. M., Liu, R. Z., Garrison, Y. L., Kim, J. Y. C., Chan, L., Ho, Y. C. S., & Yeung, C. W. (2019). Racial trauma, microaggressions, and becoming racially innocuous: The role of acculturation and White supremacist ideology. American Psychologist, 74(1), 143–155.

Koch, J. M., Procopio, S. J., Knutson, D., Loche III, R. W., Jayne, A., Jayne, C., & Loche, L. (2018). Counseling psychology students’ perceptions of faculty multicultural competence. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 4(3), 140.

Malone, C. M., & Ishmail, K. Z. (2020). A snapshot of multicultural training in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools.

Mena, J. A., & Rogers, M. R. (2017). Factors associated with multicultural teaching competence: Social justice orientation and multicultural environment. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11(2), 61.

Morgan Consoli, M. L., & Marin, P. (2016). Teaching diversity in the graduate classroom: The instructor, the students, the classroom, or all of the above?. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 9(2), 143.

Newell, M. L., Nastasi, B. K., Hatzichristou, C., Jones, J. M., Schanding Jr, G. T., & Yetter, G. (2010). Evidence on multicultural training in school psychology: Recommendations for future directions. School Psychology Quarterly, 25(4), 249.

Noltemeyer, A. L., Proctor, S. L., & Dempsey, A. (2013). Race and ethnicity in school psychology publications: A content analysis and comparison to publications in related disciplines. Contemporary School Psychology: Formerly" The California School Psychologist", 17(1), 129-142.

Paone, T. R., Malott, K. M., Pulliam, N., & Shannon, J. (2019). Experiences of counselor students of color in the classroom: a qualitative study. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1-17.

Pitner, R. O., Priester, M. A., Lackey, R., & Duvall, D. (2018). A dedicated diversity course or an infusion model? Exploring which strategy is more effective in social work pedagogy. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(1), 49-60.

Proctor, S. L., & Truscott, S. D. (2012). Reasons for African American student attrition from school psychology programs. Journal of School Psychology, 50(5), 655–679. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2012.06.002 
Proctor, S. L., Kyle, J., Fefer, K., & Lau, Q. C. (2018). Examining racial microaggressions, race/ethnicity, gender, and bilingual status with school psychology students: The role of intersectionality. Contemporary School Psychology, 22(3), 355-368. 
Proctor, S. L., Kyle, J., Lau, C., Fefer, K., & Fischetti, J. (2016). Racial Microaggressions and School Psychology Students: Who Gets Targeted and How Intern Supervisors Can Facilitate Racial Justice. School Psychology Forum,10(3). 321-336. 
Proctor, S. L., Simpson, C. M., Levin, J., & Hackimer, L. (2014). Recruitment of diverse students in school psychology programs: Direction for future research and practice. Contemporary School Psychology, 18(2), 117-126. 
Proctor, S. L., & Truscott, S. D. (2012). Reasons for African American student attrition from school psychology programs. Journal of School Psychology, 50(5), 655-679. 

Proctor, S. L., & Romano, M. (2016). School psychology recruitment research characteristics and implications for increasing racial and ethnic diversity. School Psychology Quarterly, 31(3), 311.
Proctor, S. L., Nasir, A., Wilson, T., Li, K., & Castrillon, P. (2018). Retention and persistence of African‐American students in school psychology programs. Psychology in the Schools, 55(5), 506-522.
Proctor, S. L., & Truscott, S. D. (2013). Missing voices: African American school psychologists’ perspectives on increasing professional diversity. The Urban Review, 45(3), 355-375.

Seidenberg, M. (2017). Language at the speed of sight: How we read, why so many can't, and what can be done about it. New York: Basic Books/Perseus Books.

Settles, I.,  Buchanan, N. & Dotson, K. (2019).  Scrutinized but not recognized: (In) visibility and hypervisibility experiences of faculty of color.  Journal of Vocational Behavior,113, 62-74.

Staats, C. (2015-2016). Understanding implicit bias: What educators should know. American Educator,  29-33, 43.

Stanovich, K. E. (1986). Matthew effects in reading:  Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 360-406. 

Stanovich, K. E. (2000a). Discrepancy definitions of reading disability:  Has intelligence led us astray. In K. E. Stanovich (Ed.), Progress in understanding reading: Scientific foundations and new frontiers (pp. 338-358). New York, NY: Guilford.

Stanovich, K. E. (2000b). Putting children first by putting science first:  The politics of early reading instruction. In K. E. Stanovich (Ed.), Progress in understanding reading: Scientific foundations and new frontiers. New York, NY: Guilford.

Stanovich, K. E. (2000c). Reading disability:  Are reforms based on evidence possible? In K. E. Stanovich (Ed.), Progress in understanding reading: Scientific foundations and new frontiers (pp. 323-337). New York, NY: Guilford.

Stern, S. (2008). Too good to last: The true story of Reading First. In (pp. 1-38). Washington DC: Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

Tervalon, M., & Murray-Garcia, J. (1998). Cultural humility versus cultural competence: A critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved, 9, 117-125. 

Torres, Driscoll, & Burrow (2010). Racial microaggressions and psychological functioning among highly achieving African-Americans: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29 (10), 1074-1099.

Truscott, S. D., Proctor, S. L., Albritton, K., Matthews, Y., & Daniel, K. (2014). African American school psychologists’ perceptions of the opportunities and challenges of practicing in Southeastern United States. Psychology in the Schools, 51, 366–383.

Utsey, Giesbrecht, Hook, & Stanard (2008). Cultural, Socialfamilial, and Psychological Resources that inhibit psychological distress in African Americans exposed to stressful life events and race-related stress. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 55(1), 49-62.

Utt, J. & Tochluk, S. (2016). White teacher, know thyself: Improving anti-racist praxis through racial identity development. Urban Education, 55(1), 125-152. doi: 10.1177/0042085916648741

Vega, D., Tabbah, R., & Monserrate, M. (2018). Multicultural school psychology training: An examination of students’ self‐reported course outcomes. Psychology in the Schools, 55(5), 449-463.

Wilcox, M.M., Franks, D.N., Taylor, T.O., Monceaux, C.P, & Harris, K. (2020). Who's multiculturally competent? Everybody and nobody: A multimethod examination. The Counseling Psychologist, (00)0, 1-32.

Zhou, Z., Bray, M. A., Kehle, T. J., Theodore, L. A., Clark, E., & Jenson, W. R. (2004). Achieving ethnic minority parity in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools, 41(4), 443-450. 

NASP: "Understanding Race and Privilege"

"The Ugly Truth of Being a Black Professor in America"  (Yancy, 2018)

'Not Being Fully Free': The Toll of Everyday Racism on Black Americans (Ross, 2020)

    "Not your spirit animal: Cultural appropriation, misinformation, and the Internet"

    Guidelines for Being Strong White Allies (Kivel, 2006)

    Confronting our Beliefs about Poverty and Discipline (Fergus, 2019)

    Stop the Madness: Purging the Preschool to Prison Pipeline (National Black Child Development Institute)

    The Case for Reparations (Coates)

    Moving from Ally to Accomplice: How Far Are You Willing to Go to Disrupt Racism in the Workplace? (Harden & Harden-Moore, 2019)

    Ally or Accomplice? The Language of Activism (Clemens, 2017)

    Educational Justice: Which are you--an advocate, ally or activist? (El-Mekki, 2018)

    10 Steps to Non-Optical Allyship (@mireillecharper)

    Being Antiracist (Davis)

    Black and Brown People Have Been Protesting for Centuries. It's White People Who Are Responsible for What Happens Next. (Trepczynski, 2020)

    Matthew, P. (2016). What is faculty diversity worth to a university? The Atlantic

    Psychology of Radical Healing Syllabus

    The Banality of Racism in Education (Valant, 2020)

    "Did you know that SEL emerged because of a Black man? The true history of SEL" Bryon McClure

    Reading Lists for Children (or talking to children) About Race

    Wolkoff, E., Goodale, R. & St. Louis, G.  (2019). Talking with children about race (pp. 41-52). In G. Macklem & A. Silva, (Eds.), Lessons from school psychology: Practical strategies and evidence-based practice for professionals and parents. New York, NY: Routledge. 

    Books on Race: Birth to Three (By Brave + Kind Bookshop)

    Books on Race: Ages 4-8 (By Brave + Kind Bookshop)

    Books on Race: Ages 9-12 (By Brave + Kind Bookshop)

    Social Justice Books: (Booklists)

    Talking to Kids about Race and Justice (A Book List; Oakland Public Library)

    Bus Boys and Poets Books (specialize in books for all ages that celebrate diversity)

    Magination Press (APA)

    50 Multicultural Books Every Child Should Know (Cooperative Children's Book Center)

    Change Sings: A Children's Anthem (Amanda Gorman & Loren Long)

    "No Sir" (Judelia Medard-Santiesteban)


    National Collaborative for Anti-Racist School Psychology, Austin Johnson (University of CA, Riverside)

    "As currently proposed, this collaborative would provide school psychology programs with resources to use, standards to adhere to, and practices to implement in order to centrally integrate anti-racist action into a school psychology graduate program. The collaborative would be comprised of graduate programs in school psychology across the country that wish to formally and collectively engage in explicitly anti-racist training and action within their programs. This collaborative will provide opportunities for graduate students of color across the country to work together, engage in funded research, and participate in those opportunities that will enable equity in opportunity and labor for faculty positions...I expect the full development of this collaborative to take a few months. If you would like to actively participate in the development of this collaborative, please fill out the Google Form linked below, and I'll facilitate next steps.



    Racial Trauma and Healing

    RESilience: Uplifting Youth Through Healthy Communication About Race (APA, 2018)

    Racial Trauma, Anti-Racism, and Other Resources (Sullivan, Miller, Hansen-Burke, Kember)

    Center for Healing Racial Trauma


    ACMHE: Contemplative Education Webinars (how to use contemplative practices to address topics like prejudice, racism, and privilege)

    NASP: Understanding White Privilege 

    Ted Talks: How to Understand Racism in America

    TedX: Cultural Humility (Dr. Mosley)

    Social and Behavioral Determinants of Toxic Stress (Williams)

    Netflix Show/Documentaries: When They See Us, 13th, Rest in Power

    Black Lives Matter Meditations

    'Are you racist?' No isn't a good enough answer (James, Green, Rinvolucri, 2016)

    OnePark Hill Video: This is a 6 minute video created by a Park Hill Neighbors for Equity in Education, local organization related to school choice in Denver Public Schools. It's a beautifully tragic example of systemic racism. I've shared it in my practicum classes this year to have critical conversations about the district I used to work for, particularly in the neighborhood where my school was located. I also know that DPS is not the only district in the country that experiences these challenges with school choice so I am hopeful that the video will be useful to you as well.

    "Microinterventions: Strategies to Disarm and Counteract Anti-Blackness” led by Sarah Alsaidi

    Racialized trauma by Resmaa Menaken

      LGBTQIA+ Resources

      NASP Condemns State and Local Efforts to Undermine Transgender Youth Rights and Well-Being

      Statement by HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Reaffirming HHS Support and Protection for LGBTQI+ Children and Youth

      Gender-affirming care, or care that is designed to affirm an individual's gender identity, is best practice in supporting child and adolescent health. This has been explicitly recognized by the American Academy of Pediatrics (see this section), the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (first paragraph), the American Psychological Association both alone (see Guideline 11, page 846) and in a joint statement with NASP (see page 8), the American Psychiatric Association (bottom of page 1), and others.

      APA Guidelines for Practice with Transgender and Gender Noncomfirming People

      APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Sexual Minority Persons

      APA Guidelines and Resolutions Related to LGBT Psychology

      National Center for School Mental Health Message 

      National Center for School Mental Health Supporting Trans Staff and Students 

      Biden-Harris Administration Advances Equality and Visibility for Transgender Americans

      World Professional Association for Transgender Health (2012). Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people (7th version). Although school psychologists don't directly help students transition, many questions come up in school psychology forums about the treatments trans youth receive. The Standard of Care outline psychotherapy and medical care of transgender youth and adults. The Standards are a free pdf and an excellent resource. The eighth version was released this spring but not yet adopted. 

      Susan Stryker is an historian at the University of Arizona and has two excellent books. Susan is a woman of transgender history. Her co-author for the Reader is Stephen Whittle, a trans man and professor in the School of Law at Manchester Metropolitan University; Stephen is a leader in Press for Change, an advocacy group in the UK. 

      Stryker, S. (2017). Transgender history: the roots of today's revolution (Second edition). Seal Press. This is a very readable history of trans issues over the last 125 years.

      Stryker, S. 9 and Whittle, S. (Eds.) (2006). The transgender studies reader. Routledge. This is a massive (758 page) collection of 50 influential articles between 1880 and the 1990s drawn from the medical, psychological, sociological, and community literature. There is also a second volume available of more recent articles, but the first volume is I think useful for understanding the scholarly thought behind what had been done to us (trans people).

      Susan is a documentarian. "Screaming Queens: The riot at Compton's cafeteria". This film is available from KQED and may be available from PBS video - it is available in multiple parts on YouTube. The Compton's Riot occurred in 1966, at the corner of Turk and Market in San Francisco, on the edge of the Tenderloin. Compton's was open 24 hours, and was a placewhere trans people hung out while working in the sex trade. To understand why they were working in the sex trade is to understand many of the risks currently facing our youth. The police would regularly arrest trans people, and one night they revolted. The site of the riot is four blocks from the NASP convention hotel in 2011. 

      Another film that may be useful, especially for psychopathology classes, is "Diagnosing difference", about trans people and DSM-IV.  I have taught a developmental psychopathology course by opening with "gender identity disorder" (in DSM-IV) days to illustrate the issues involved in identifying disorder.

      Julia Serano is a trans woman and professor of biochemistry at UC-Berkeley. She is widely known throughout the trans community for her writings on transfeminism. 

      Serano, J. (2007). Whipping girl: a transsexual woman on sexism and the scapegoating of femininity.  Seal Press.

      Laura Erickson-Schroth is a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center.

      Erickson-Schroth, L. (Ed.). (2022). Trans bodies, trans selves, (Second edition). Oxford University Press. Modeled on the 1973 Our Bodies, Ourselves by the Boston Women's Health Collective, this was intended to be a health care guide for trans people, by trans people, but it is broader than that. Encyclopedic in scope, covering trans history, intersectionality, employment and legal issues, developmental stages, medical transition, sexuality and family development. 

      Stephanie Brill is a founder and has been a board member of Gender Spectrum, which provides a variety of support for families and schools. 

      Brill, S.A., and Pepper, R. (2022) The transgender child: revised and updated edition. Cleis Press.

      Brill, S. and Kenney, L (2016). The transgender teen: A handbook for Parents and professionals supporting transgender and nonbinary teens. Cleis Press.

      Excellent guides to the issues families encounter in navigating school and community.

      Joan Roughgarden is a woman of transgender history and a professor emeritus of biology and geophysics at UC-Berkeley. This book may not help you understand queer history, but it is a fascinating survey of transgender and queer sexuality across animal species, and across human cultures

      Roughgarden, J (2004). Evolution's rainbow: diversity, gender, and sexuality in nature and people. Berkeley: UC Press.


      Uproot Whiteness Resources (Society for Community Research and Action)

      APA Multicultural Guidelines

      APA Guidelines on Race and Ethnicity

      APA Facing the Divide; Psychology's Conversation on Race and Health

      Kirwin Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity (Offers training on implicit bias)

      Kirwin Institute 2017 2018 Annual Report: Race in conversation. Equity in Practice. Retrieved from Kirwin Institute web site.  (has links for implicit bias training modules)

      National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, the not-for-profit organization supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Predominantly Black Institutions.

      Black and Autism Resources


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